Category: Multimedia Learning (Page 2 of 2)

Fl Studio Basic Tutorial

Creating a multimedia lesson plan prior to creating multimedia content is important because it allows the person who is teaching the subject to be prepared. This prepartion allows for the audience to the learn a lot better because the lesson plan is well thought of and the subject can be taught in the given time frame so the presentors and audiences time is not wasted. The lesson plan shows the importance of what is being taught and why so audience can know what the relevancy is to the topic. A negative of creating a lesson plan is that the presentor may become to focused on the plan and become stressed when it is not met because the presentation can have uncontrolled errors such as equipment malfunctions that may distrupte the presentation.

A multimedia principle that relates to popup informational text boxes and embedded multiple-choice questions is the Segmenting principle. With this principle People are able learn better when a multimedia message such as a text box or a multiple-choice question is presented in learner-paced segment instead of a continuous loop. So having the video pause on these text boxes helps the learner by answering the text related information to the presentation. Another principle that is related is the Signalling principle. In this principle the important information is highlighted so the learner can retain knowledge a lot better by knowing that the information signalled is of great use. Having text boxes and multiple-choice questions shows the learner that the information from the quesion being asked is a main topic.

Quick beat tutorial on Fl Studio


The Theories of Multimedia Learning

The Dual Coding Theory would change the way I create power points because us as humans take information in two ways according to this theory. We learn from visuals and sounds. They come into our minds and are stored separately. They then later come together as one and connect to each other. With Power point in the slideshow it may contain images as well as texts. If I am presenting this slideshow I would want find a medium between the two so the audience would not get information overload by me speaking while presenting and them trying to read the text and understand the pictures. I would probably just have only images on my slideshow and talk about the image verbally, so the audience can retain the information a lot better and connect my words to the images being shown.

Thoughts from this week’s material is about the concept of Flow. I found it interesting and very relatable. It may be easier for some people to lose their focus/concentration or for others they are able to retain it while working on goals. For me personally it can definitely be a challenge learning from online classes while at home do to different distractions that break my flow of focus. However other times I enjoy the online material and do not lose my concentration and become very productive. This flow I realized always changes and is never the same. The flow comes and goes but I now notice it a lot more.


Dual Coding Theory explanation video

First post

The example of Rich’s son playing the web based game is an example of interactive and/ or multimedia learning to a good degree. His son had control over the game. Every action he took had reaction to his in game mechanics. His son had fun and was learning at the same time. Playing the game Pandemic lead his son to use mechanics of the game that were similar to how real life viruses spread thru airplanes and ships. He learned about viruses and diseases and the effect on a population it can have. His learning was effortless as stated since he was fully engaged and having fun in the process of learning.

An example of an interactive or multimedia learning experience I can think of is the game Typeracer. Back in elementary school in the computer lab we would spend time as a class with this game. I did not think about it much as a kid but when I got older I realized it helped us become more proficient with our computer typing. This was definitely a positive impact on my learning and made me want to get faster and better at typing on the computer. It was enjoyable as well competing against class mates to see who can type the quickest.

Example of the Typeracer Game

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  • Go into its admin panel found by adding /wp-admin at the end of your blog’s URL
  • Add new category or tags to organize your blog posts – found under “Posts” (but do not remove the pre-existing categories or sub-categories).  If you would like to add more course categories, please do so (e.g., add EDCI 306A with no space for Music Ed, etc.)
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Do consider creating categories for each course that you take should you wish to document your learning (or from professional learning activities outside of formal courses). Keep note, however, that you may wish to use the course topic as the category as opposed to the course number as those outside of your program would not be familiar with the number (e.g., we use “Multimedia Learning” instead of “edci337).

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