The Dual Coding Theory would change the way I create power points because us as humans take information in two ways according to this theory. We learn from visuals and sounds. They come into our minds and are stored separately. They then later come together as one and connect to each other. With Power point in the slideshow it may contain images as well as texts. If I am presenting this slideshow I would want find a medium between the two so the audience would not get information overload by me speaking while presenting and them trying to read the text and understand the pictures. I would probably just have only images on my slideshow and talk about the image verbally, so the audience can retain the information a lot better and connect my words to the images being shown.

Thoughts from this week’s material is about the concept of Flow. I found it interesting and very relatable. It may be easier for some people to lose their focus/concentration or for others they are able to retain it while working on goals. For me personally it can definitely be a challenge learning from online classes while at home do to different distractions that break my flow of focus. However other times I enjoy the online material and do not lose my concentration and become very productive. This flow I realized always changes and is never the same. The flow comes and goes but I now notice it a lot more.


Dual Coding Theory explanation video